Nation celebrates first Baisakh Prothom Hello

Along with this, a discussion was also held in front of Bahadur Shah Park in Old Dhaka.

Nurul Amin Ruhul, MP, acting president of Dhaka South City AL, will chair the discussion, while AL general secretary Humayun Kabir’s Dhaka South City unit will moderate it.

Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Bangladesh Shishu Academy, Bangla Academy, Public Library Department, National Museum, Kabi Nazrul Institute, Copyright Office, National Book Center, Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries, various government and non-government organizations, Socio-Cultural Forum Corporation (BSCIC) ), Archives and Libraries Department and Dhaka University will organize seminars, exhibitions and quizzes, essays and art works as well as various programs to celebrate the day.

Baisakhi rallies will be organized in all the districts, sub-districts and unions of the country as part of the Bengali New Year celebrations.

Besides this, the local administration will organize quiz competitions, cultural programs and folk fairs.

The people of the city usually start the day with a traditional breakfast of ‘Panta Bhaat’ (soaked rice), green chillies, onions and fried fish at Ramna Park, Suhrawardy Garden, Dhaka University campus, Rabindra Sarobor in Dhanmondi and other entertainment venues. We do. But, in the month of Ramzan, this traditional way of celebrating the first Baisakh may not be widely followed.

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