New opportunity for RMG sector

Readymade garment is the number one export item of Bangladesh. Cheap labor and skilled workers have helped to grow this sector.

China has been leading the world readymade garments market; its huge manpower helped them. But in recent days China has eyed on heavy industries. This has created an opportunity for other countries like Bangladesh.

Some leading international buyers are visiting Bangladesh to assess the prospects of the local factories. Leader of the delegation of the international buyers Vuylsteke said they think Bangladesh is leading the race, though they have other alternatives including Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Myanmar.

BGMEA leaders are saying that they have capacity to produce more. We need to convince the international buyers that Bangladesh can be a destination after China.
BGMEA leaders are also saying that they need some assurance from government. Some projects like inland container depot and broadening of Dhaka – Chittagong highway should be implemented soon.

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