New power line for Khulna Division

Though REB (Rural Electrification Board) is facing loss & new connection is almost suspended for a long time.

In meeting yesterday ,The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (Ecnec) approved Tk 2,169 crore in seven projects including one for setting up 3,500 kilometres new electric lines in Khulna division.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair okayed rural Electrification Extension in Khulna Division project worth Tk 393 crore which will end in 2013.

The proposal says, lines at greater Khulna will be set up through nine ‘Palli Bidyutayan Samitys’. The Power Division said 1.48 lakh new subscribers will get electric connections and it will require additional 36 megawatt of electricity.

Due to power shortage, setting up electricity lines in the rural areas remained suspended for a long time.but the government has taken fresh initiative to expand it recently.

Earlier, Ecnec approved power line expansion in other divisions. Khulna was the last in the process.

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