Omor Ekushey February International Mother Language Day

In protest, the Dhaka University National Language Committee a warning strike called on 30 January. It was a meeting on the day of Amtala held on the campus, which requires students to the language, bear movement. A decision was taken to a strike in all educational institutions in the province on 4 To observe February. The next day, an all-party meeting was held at the Dhaka Bar Library at which Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan bhasani chair. At the meeting a 40-member All-Party National Language Action Committee was formed. The meeting supported the strike on 4 February.

Accordingly, a strike in all educational institutions was on the 4th To observe February. A student meeting on the day for a province-wide hartal on 21 February. The government in turn relied on § 144, 20 February, banning public gatherings, rallies and processions. Opposition politicians were unwilling to participate in a clash with the government shortly before a general election. Not violate the All-Party National Language Action Committee, which met that night, decided by the majority of the vote, 144 §

The student community, however, refused to accept this decision. At a meeting on the morning of 21 February on the campus of the Arts (now University Faculty of Dhaka Medical College and Hospital), the students unanimously decided to defy the earlier decision to stick § 144 After the meeting, they began to gather on the grounds of the Medical College hostel. From there, they tried to go to the Assembly of the province, where a meeting of the East Bengal Legislative Assembly was to begin. The policemen on duty tried to disperse the students by place cartridges. When this failed, the police fired into the crowd. In the fire Abul Barkat, a student, Rafiq Uddin Ahmed, a student of gaffargaon Debendra College manikganj and Abdul Jabbar, a young farmer from, were killed. Abdus Salam, a bank employee, was injured, the fire and died later in hospital. At least two others are also assumed that in the fires killed that day.

The reaction to the killings of police came at once. It began in the premises of Dhaka Medical College Hospital to collect. Across the country, schools and universities to protest rallies and parades.

To bring the situation under control, the government imposed a curfew and deployment of the army in Dhaka. Defying the curfew, which on 22 February, students in addition to the common people came on streets to protest the killings. They took held at a gayebi janaza (prayer for the dead without the dead body) will be on the campus of the Medical Faculty. On the night of 23 February, the students constructed a (shaheed minar Martyrs’ Memorial) at the point where the students had been killed. Three days later, the police destroyed the memorial.

Despite winning the Movement for the recognition of Bangla as state language dynamics. After the great victory of the united front in 1954 Bangla was one of the languages of Pakistan at a meeting of the National Assembly on 9 May 1954 recognized.

Until 1971, the day was observed spontaneously, and served as an opportunity to revive the feelings of nationalism and Bengali nation again. After liberation, the day a national holiday and the University of Dhaka has assumed the care of the Shaheed Minar and the surrounding area and the responsibility for organizing the memorial service. Colorful Alpana designs are painted on the ground, and Bangla poems and prose passages about Bangla are on the walls facing the Shaheed Minar written.

One minute after midnight on 21 February, the President of Bangladesh has come to the Shaheed Minar in honor of the martyrs to pay language. He is assisted by the prime minister, cabinet members, staff of diplomatic missions in Dhaka, political leaders, followed by representatives of various institutions and organizations, etc. During the day, people of all ages and from all walks of life visit the Shaheed Minar to to pay tribute, which gave their lives for Bangla. To walk slowly, they sing the mournful notes of the elegy “Amar bhaiyer Rakte rangano ekushey February bhulite ami ki pari ‘(Can I forget 21 February, reddened with the blood of my brothers?). Apart from that famous song, many poets, 21 poems February written. To commemorate the day, bangla academy holds a month book fair and organized literary and cultural events throughout the month.

Special programs are being broadcast and television program highlighting the importance of the day. Various cultural institutions also organize various functions. Newspapers publish special supplements.

Ekushey February played an important role in the Bengal on their cultural and national heritage and ultimately led to the creation of Bangladesh in 1971. Since 2000 is 21 Of February as International Mother Language Day in tribute to those who have sacrificed their lives to watch their mother tongue.

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