BCS form collecting and submitting has been a nightmare for applicants. Though the Bangladesh Public Service commission distributed and collected BCS forms from its regional centers from the 28th BCS, but that was not enough. Applicants had to wait in long queue both for form collection and submission. Moreover queue was often disrupted due to some ill nature applicants and police had to interfere. Applicants waited hour after hour and saw line is not moving.
Now the public service commission has decided to go for online. They have already signed a contract with sate owned phone company teletalk. Now applicants will simply fill up an online from public service commission website or teletalk website. Then they have to pay the exam fee from their teletalk mobile phone, then they will be able to collect their admit card from the website.
This online process will be started from the 33th BCS and its notice may be circulated at the end of this month or in March.