Primary terminal exams begin tomorrow

The primary terminal examinations and ibtedayi terminal examinations for Class V students begin tomorrow(23-11-2010). The examinations will end on November 29.

This year, 24,88,138 students will take the examinations in 6,000 centres. The exams will also be held in seven centres outside the country.

Necessary preparations were made to successfully hold the examinations.

The government introduced the public examination for Class V students in 2009. Only students of general schools took the examinations in the year. But this year, ibtedayi students are taking such examinations for the first time. Of the total 24,88,148 students, 21,57,015 are from schools and 3,31,133 from madrassahs.

There will be no primary scholarship examinations. The students will be awarded scholarship based on the results of the terminal examinations.

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