Despite efforts to lift Bangladesh from the standing of structure nations, the republic refuses to have any swell in the healthcare sector. Everyday, puncture patients in Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) have been confronting harassment, due to mismanagement, bad doctor-patient ratio, as great as unavailability of beds. A revisit to the sanatorium would fundamentally uncover patients undergoing diagnosis upon the floor. These patients have to buy or pierce their beds from home.
Aynal Islam, the studious from Rajshahi, was certified to the sanatorium last week. Joinab Begum, his wife, told The Independent upon Sunday, “We came here 5 days back. However, you couldn’t conduct the bed for my husband. So, he was placed upon the mat, upon the structure in front of the ward.”
Also, patients as great as their kin complained that the little ward-boys as great as DMCH employees take income from patients, in sell for beds as great as alternative facilities. “If you have money, you’ll get the bed here,” rued Joinab.
Ward-22 as great as the mezzanine was found packaged with patients, whilst their attendants kept their eyes upon beds as great as mats upon the floor.
A comparison central of the sanatorium said, “Private hospitals can confess patients after counting their beds, though open hospitals, generally DMCH, can’t means such luxury. If you confess patients upon the basement of series of beds, you can residence customarily 2,000 of them. But, you customarily yield some-more than 2,800 indoor patients everyday.”
Brig.-Gen. Md Shahidul Hoque Mallik, senior physical education instructor of DMCH, told The Independent that the sanatorium never refuses to confess any studious to the indoor department. Apart from patients from Dhaka city, the sanatorium provides healing diagnosis to patients from all corners of the republic as great as referred patients from opposite open as great as in isolation hospitals, he added.
“It amounts to extensive vigour upon existent personnel, logistics, healing equipment, as great as beds. Hopefully, after fluctuating the DMCH building, we’ll be means to yield some-more caring to the patients,” he added.
“In deficiency of competent beds, manpower, apparatus as great as alternative facilities, it’s not probable to yield peculiarity diagnosis to patients,” certified the director.
This match visited 6 wards upon the initial as great as the second floors of the country’s largest, 1,700-bed hospital, as great as found many patients fibbing upon mats, inside the wards.
“We have commissioned closed-circuit radio (CCTV) during all critical points, to moment down upon middlemen receiving patients to in isolation clinics or evidence centres,” pronounced Mallik.
The pierce will come in to outcome inside of the week, as great as is approaching to put an finish to the order of pimps as great as mismanagement, as great as safeguard scold treatment, as great as, peculiarity food.
Authorities have commissioned CCTV in puncture department, red blood bank, pathology department, operation entertainment kitchen as great as the little alternative places, to guard the transformation of doctors, nurses, employees, patients, healing representatives, as great as pimps.
The senior physical education instructor pronounced that some-more than 600 patients revisit the outside dialect of DMCH, as great as during slightest 400 patients have been certified to the indoor department, any day.
The senior physical education instructor told The Independent that allegations of healing partial of romping around the indoor department, hampering treatment, have been raised, as great as such persons would customarily be authorised to come in the sanatorium upon Mondays as great as Thursdays, from twelve noon.
Public healthcare in contemptible state in DMCH
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