Reaction on budget 2012-2013 by BASIS

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After the budget speech by the finance minister, an immediate press conference was held by Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) and Bangladesh ICT Journalist Forum (BIEJF). BASIS president Mahbub Jaman said, as per ICT policy 2009, BASIS submitted a proposal to the finance minister; where BASIS requested to allot 70 crore taka for ICT industry development fund, 50 crore taka for crash program to create ten thousand IT professionals, withdrawal of 15% VAT for internet usage and special VAT service code for software and IT service. But the BASIS president said, it seems there is no specific reflection of their proposal.

But BASIS leaders said, it is good to see that the budget for the new fiscal year has substantive allotment (294 crore taka) for information and communication sector in the annual development plan. There is no indication that which sector or sectors will enjoy this allotment. In this situation BASIS leaders think some specific projects like software Technology Park and training institute should enjoy lion’s share of this allotment.

BASIS leaders expressed their disappointment on the tax and revenue proposal in this budget. All the IT industry association including BASIS requested to withdraw 15% VAT from internet usage. This proposal is rejected. The proposal for special VAT service code for software and IT service is also rejected.

BASIS senior vice president Fahim Mashrur, secretary general Forkan Bin Kashem and BIJF president Kawsar were present among others.

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Shihab Uddin Ahmed

Shihab Uddin Ahmed is with Dhaka News since 2011. He has long experience of writing on various issues for web medium. He has a master’s degree from Jagannath University. You can read his science articles in English and Bengali on

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