Reform Commission wants to make affidavit verification mandatory

Sources in the Election Reform Commission say that they have agreed to bring some changes in the format of the election affidavit. They wish to recommend a separate section for details of property owned by candidates abroad.

Speaking to Prothom Alo in this regard, Election Reform Commission chief Badiul Alam Majumdar said, “Without verification, the entire process becomes a meaningless formality. We are seriously considering the arrangement to verify the information in the affidavit. Additionally, the candidate must have a separate statement regarding the assets held abroad and its source. It is important to find out whether the assets are made of laundered money.

However, questions have been raised whether it is possible to verify the information given in the affidavit.

Speaking to Prothom Alo, election expert Md Abdul Aleem said, “It is possible to verify whether the deadline for verifying nomination papers has been extended and whether organizations like NBR, BB and ACC can be used in the process. Could. If needed, a separate team can be formed in each assembly constituency for this.

*This report appeared on the print and online editions of Prothom Alo and has been rewritten in English by Ashish Basu

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