Rumey free from all charges


Singer Arefin Rumey is finally free from the case filed against him by his first wife Lamiya Islam Anannya.

The case concluded by the singer divorcing his wife and making a FD worth of 20lakh for his son Aryan.

The singer along with his brother S M Yeasin Rony was arrested on 12th October, 2013, based on the case filed against him in Mohammadpur Police station. He was sent to the jail on the same day after the court denied him bail. He was released the next day after agreeing to meet the 7 conditions.

On the other hand, the court issued a charge sheet against Rumey on 10th August, excluding this mother Nasima Begum Rosy and brother Yeasin Rony.

The complaint in the case included, the couple married in 2008 of 4th April and had a son Aryan. Later in 2012 the singer married American resident Kamrun Nesa. Soon after his second marriage the singer left for UK and denied to pay any amount for the livelihood of his first wife and son.

Recently on returning from UK the singer demanded a dowry of 20 lakh and started to torture his wife along with his mother and brother.

source:bangladesh today

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