Search for a permanent solution to the political impasse

10. freedom of media: Appropriate legal reforms should be made, especially in the Digital Security Act, 2018, to ensure freedom of media. An autonomous broadcasting commission should be established to ensure the neutrality of news broadcasting of state-owned media.

11. effective civil society: To remove the barriers to an effective and strong civil society so that, as a non-state institution, it can monitor all constitutional and statutory institutions, thereby paving the way for an effective democracy and good governance. An environment conducive to the functioning of civil society should be created by eliminating all forms of undue interference.

12. protect human rights: All repressive laws should be reformed and abolished to protect people’s human rights, including their political and civil rights, and no new repressive laws should be created. The culture of human rights violations must be ended by ending enforced disappearances, abductions and extrajudicial killings.

13. a new social contract: A new social contract will be created to end the growing inequality in wealth and opportunities provided by the state so that the less privileged section of the population gets a fair share of the state’s resources, quality services at affordable prices and they are the true owners of the state Can become. And all discrimination against the disabled and the third gender must be eliminated.

14. maintain environmental sustainability: An effective plan should be made and implemented to maintain biodiversity, environmental sustainability and climate change. All development projects should be evaluated to remove projects that harm the environment.

15. Investing for Youth: To realize the ‘demographic dividend’, investments must be made to ensure quality education, good health, security, opportunity and empower youth leadership. Effective steps should be taken to increase the quality of rural education.

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