Several incidents of rape

DN-don't-rapeViolence against women is not uncommon in Bangladesh. But it seems now women are being raped more than any times before.

The recent trend is, women are helping to rape women in many cases. A school girl was raped with direct help from her female classmate. This incident has shocked the nation. Another college student was raped at Savar. It was also with the help from her female classmate more than one month ago.

Five to six men raped and shot it on camera. They threatened to release the video if the victim complains. At the end the crime surfaced and victim’s mother filed a case. Four is arrested by Savar police.

In another incident mother and daughter was raped by dacoits. They took valuables of about seventy thousand taka and raped the housewife and her daughter who is only a student of class six.

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