In this holy Eid, most of the people of Rajshahi are considering silk as their fashion wear. Most of the silk sales centers are busy in selling different types of silk dresses, among these, Sari, Panjabi and Fatua are in the top selling items. Silk crafts-men are passing busy time in ornamenting and decorating silk-dresses.
From market analysis it is known that Karchupi in Moslin and block saris are in large sales, also hand-embroidered dresses and saris are in large quantity sales.
The price of saris range from taka 3,000 to taka 10,000. Among gent-dresses, panjabi and Fatua are in good sales. panjabi sales from taka 800 to taka 7000 and Fatua sales from taka 200 to taka 500.Dresses for children are also in good sales.