‘Chhuye Dile Mon’, the directorial debut film of Shihab Shaheen, has been submitted to film censor board yesterday after completing the entire process of the making of a film. Most of the part of the shooting was completed at different beautiful locations of Sylhet. Produced jointly by Asiatic Dhonichitra and Monforing, the romantic film stars […]
Ashiqur Rahman’s film ‘Kistimaat’ has received uncut censorship from the censor board as the first film of the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha. This is the director’s second film after ‘Gangster Returns’. The cast of the film includes Arefin Shuvo, Anchal, Misha Soudagar and others. The film will screen a role of a police officer who is reluctant […]
Bangladeshi Popular actress Mahiya Mahi is now in London in the film Romeo vs Juliet. Produced by Himangshu Dhanuka and directed by Ashok Pati, shooting of the film started in London on Wednesday. Mahi will return after shooting ends in London but when she will be back is still undecided, Mahi’s spokesperson said. In the […]
Hollywood-Bollywood stars are in the news we hear of the remuneration. But the news of celebrities dhalllywood remained unknown to everyone. However, the highest paid of all the number one hero Shakib Khan. Per movie took Rs 5 lakh. Besides the cost of his travel and different apyayanera. Is the next position in the current […]
It’s a tradition in Bangladesh that people visit cinema halls with friends and family during Eid vacation. There have been many talks on Bangladeshi films that Bangladeshi films are failing to cope with the changed world. People are watching big budget English and Hindi films and they are saying Bangladeshi films are ridiculous. Few people […]