NGO executive found passed in city

A executive of an NGO was found passed in his room in a city’s Green Road yesterday morning. Police as well as kin of a defunct suspected a incident as a attempted murder though his mother termed it a healthy death. The physique of Abul Kashem, 52, who worked for Resource Development Foundation (RDF) was […]

UGC seeks uninformed proposals: Tk 681cr up for peculiarity education: Azad

The University Grants Commission (UGC) Monday sought uninformed proposals from universities for mending a peculiarity of aloft preparation in 88 varsities opposite a country. Chairman of a UGC Professor AK Azad Chowdhury done a call, observant which a sum of Tk 681 crore would be depleted for executing higher-education-improvement projects. “The projects have been taken […]

New era to be prepared with IT facility: Nahid

Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid Sunday laid importance upon educating a latest era in ICT-based complicated education. “Education equates to appropriation believe as good as skill. Education stays incomprehensible unless it is used in a unsentimental life,” pronounced a apportion during a shutting rite of a two-day seminar upon ‘Education for Sustainable Development’ during a […]