Now the question is, will the government wait for 215 years to reduce child marriage to two percent or try its best to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal? State Minister for Women and Child Welfare Affairs Simeen Hussain Rimi said that it is not possible for the government to end child marriage alone. Without refuting…
The lack of equitable development has led to extreme inequality in society as democratic accountability has weakened during this period. To ensure that accountability includes inclusive, transparent and competitive elections in the country. Speakers made these comments at a media briefing organized by Citizen Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh, at the Brac Center in the city…
The program concluded with a speech by Khairul Islam where he said, “The overall WASH situation in Bangladesh is better than that of its neighboring countries in South Asia. But Bangladesh still lags behind in ensuring access to safely managed sanitation systems and improved piped water supply to all. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals…
“We hope that the United Nations will expand its partnership with Bangladesh under his leadership to achieve Bangladesh’s commitments towards implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations Charter.” The Awami League chose Shahabuddin, a former district judge and commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission, as its candidate for the presidential election. The Election Commission…
‘Development of every community is necessary’
He said that no matter how much money the government pours in, it is impossible to implement the SDGs if youth and women cannot engage in these activities. Firoz Chowdhary said that women have at least 50 per cent share in the total population of the country. He said that only making girls aware will…