Tag: suicide

  • 15 suicide/hour in India

    The study by National Crime Records Bureau of previous one year said, 15 people committed suicide per hour in India. 1.31 people committed suicide in 2014.West Bengal is in the top. Income of 69.7% people who committed suicide is below 1 lack.1 is housewife among 6 people. People committed suicide in Moharastro is 16,307, in…

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  • Model Archana Pandey commits suicide

    Model Archana Pandey was found dead Monday at her residence in Lokhandwala Andheri West. She committed suicide a couple of days ago, said an official from Versova Police station where the case has been registered. “We got a call from her neighbours, so went to the location where she was found dead. She had committed…

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  • Legal notice issued to the government to stop Indian satellite channels in Bangladesh

    A Supreme Court Lawyer Eklas Uddin Bhuiyan has issued a legal notice to the government yesterday demanding a ban on Indian satellite channels within 24 hours. He said the Indian channels are causing negative impact on our society and he will take legal action if the government does not do anything to ban these channels…

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  • Global financial depression increased suicide among men

    Historically suicide rate is high among women compared to men. But a recent study suggests that women were less affected by the global financial depression. The study was conducted on suicide data of fifty four countries among people aged over fifteen. The study reveals that suicide rate is increased among men by 3.3 percent. This…

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  • Mother jumps from rooftop after listening daughter’s death news

    Six year old girl Chandramukhi was admitted in the intensive care unit of Shishu Hospital in the capital three days ago. She was on life support. Though her condition was critical, her mother Naznin Akhter thought her daughter will recover. But Chandramukhi died this afternoon. When her mother listened that her beloved daughter is no…

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  • World suicide prevention day today

    Today the 10th September is the world suicide prevention day. International Association for Suicide Prevention, World Health Organization and World Federation for Mental Health jointly host this day. In every forty seconds a man or woman is committing suicide in the world. According to World Health Organization, one third of suicides are committed by using…

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  • 14 year old school girl commits suicide

    A school girl Sadia Akhter Pinky of 14 has reported to have committed suicide. She appeared at this year’s JSC (Junior School Certificate) examination. She was a student Dhalpur City Colony High School of Jatrabari in the capital. A local miscreant youth Rony have been offering her for last few months. But Pinky refused him.…

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  • Child marriage takes another life

    It seems despite all the efforts by the government and non government organizations child marriage is unstoppable. Rural guardians favoring early marriage. Early marriage is resulting child pregnancy, when a girl is not ready at all for a child. Even she doesn’t know how to take care of a child. But guardians are failing to…

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  • Schoolgirl commits suicide

    A lady tyro of category VIII allegedly committed self-murder by unresolved herself during her residence in a city’s South Jatrabari yesterday. Nurjahan Akhter Nipa, 14, daughter of Nur Hossain, was a tyro of a internal school. Jatrabari military pronounced Nipa entered her room after her mom rebuked her yesterday noon. After long, her family members…

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  • Six people commit suicide in Satkhira, Thakurgaon

    Six people committed suicide in Satkhira and Thakurgaon districts yesterday and the day before. A class five student, a newly married young man and two housewives committed suicide in Satkhira district yesterday and the day before, reports our Satkhira correspondent. The victims are Selina Khatun, 10, daughter of Golam Mostafa of village Pania in Kaliganj…

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