The fare from Uttar Uttar (Diyabari) to Agargaon has been fixed at Rs 60. The minimum fare of Rs 20 will be applicable for travel from North to North to Uttara Center and South stations. From Uttara Uttara, it will cost Rs 30 for Pallabi and Mirpur-11, Mirpur-10 and Kajipara and Rs 50 for Shevrapara.…
special law Qatar passed a special law for the World Cup that gives FIFA exclusive rights to sell tickets. Under the law, seen by Reuters, hawkers face fines of up to 10 times the face value of tickets being sold illegally. Soccer’s governing body has warned it will cancel those sold outside its official sales…
According to the official abstracts alone 13,088 bodies managed to acquisition their way into the stadium, for a allegedly awash out game, afterwards the authorities aback assertively to stop distributing tickets from the Mirpur Indoor Amphitheater at 4 pm bygone admitting abounding in band captivation applicable vouchers for tickets to admission the game. “This is…