Hatirjheel project was initiated during the military backed interim government. It was a difficult project to implement. There were a lot of illegal structures in that area. The main objectives of the project were to create a water retention area to recharge underground water level, to improve road connectivity between different parts of the capital […]
Paying utility bill is a nightmare for customers. Standing hour after hour in long queue to pay bill is a normal experience. Dhaka WASA has enabled online bill payment service for its consumers. Consumers of the major cities in Bangladesh will have online payment opportunity under this scheme. Brand new website, www.dwasa.org.bd is inaugurated for […]
The supervision annually loses Tk 3000 crore due to miss of correct coordination among opposite application services for their growth as great as digging work in a city, according to officials of a applicable agencies. Most of a city roads, specifically in a city’s Mohammadpur, Mohakhali, Moghbazar, Mouchak, Malibagh, Syedabad, Jatrabari, Rampura as great as […]
Intermittent power failures are causing troubles & sufferings to a large population. Also due to lack of power supply the water supply authority WASA is no capable of supplying water properly. This picture is in several places of Dhaka city. Many are collecting water from the water supplying Vehicle in the street. It was known […]