TECNO unveils universal tone imaging technology

In synergy, these engines optimize techno’s universal tone. The Multi-Skin Tone Restoration Engine calibrates skin tones, the Local-Tuning Engine recalibrates facial tones and analyzes the environment, and the AI-powered Computational Portrait Engine applies a personalized algorithm aligned with regional preferences.

Associate Professor Kaida Xiao of the University of Leeds emphasizes the data-based approach in developing accurate color cards for each skin tone. Universal Tone technology ensures accurate detection and customization of individual skin tones, setting a new standard for diversity and true-to-life portraits.

Techno, guided by its user-centric philosophy and ‘Stop at Nothing’ strategy, continues to drive innovation. The development of TECNO Universal Tone marks an important milestone in creating a more inclusive smartphone industry, underscoring the brand’s commitment to enhancing user lifestyles globally.

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