It is a village named Goradighi in Haor region. Boats are the only means of transportation to and from that village during both rainy and dry seasons. There is no secondary school in the village which falls under Singapore union of Nikli upazila of Kishoreganj.
If they want to continue studies after class five, the students of the village have to cross two rivers to reach another village in the distance.
It takes 2 hours to travel to and from the high school every day and costs 80 to 100 taka. Therefore, students from poor families drop out after class five. While boys are forced to go into the labor field, girls become victims of child marriage.
In such a situation, the country celebrated National Girl Child Day on Saturday. This year the theme of the day was ‘Priority in Investment, Rights of the Girl Child’.
According to the 2022 report of Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS), the number of secondary schools (except English medium and madrassas) in the country is 18,907 and the number of students is about 8.9 million (88.89 crore). About 55 percent of the total students are girls.
Nikli Upazila has one junior secondary, nine secondary and six Dakhil Madrassas, while the number of students in these educational institutions is around 11,000.