There is a need for a thorough review of the education system

Human rights activist Shipa Hafiza said gender equality, responsibility and other such issues are not being properly included in education. Schools do not teach basic rights and wrongs and hence these youth do not learn to speak out against wrongdoings.

Saeed Ahmed, founder of the Institute of Informatics and Development (IID), said the book under discussion contains several guidelines on how to deal with the challenges ahead.

Manjuma Akhtar, a teacher at BRAC University, said that the book is an important record of the development of education in the country in the last 50 years.

In his introductory speech, Matiur Rahman, editor of Prothom Alo, said Prothom Prokashi brings out books on various subjects ranging from independence of Bangladesh to health, economy, disaster management etc. This book is a part of that continuity. This is a very important book.

The program was conducted by East West University Treasurer Ishfaq Elahi Choudhary, British High Commission official Golam Kibria, NGO ASPBAE advisor M Enamul Haq, teacher Ranjit Poddar and BRAC officer Dilruba Sultana. He asked various questions to the author.

Professor Manzoor Ahmed responded to questions and comments and suggested that Prothom Alo organize a series of roundtables on various sub-sectors of education.

Marina Yesmin, coordinator of Prothoma Prokashon, gave the closing speech.

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