Haileybury is already the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Center and has plans to become a UN-approved institution for Model United Nations. Learning is always enjoyable when it is interactive, fostering curiosity and creativity inside young minds.
Globally renowned schools uphold age-old traditions and culture, engaging students in the lessons of history, broadening their horizons for future challenges. With brilliant students coming from all corners of the world, diversity in such institutions acts like a melting pot for ideas, principles and values.
Parents who want to see their children develop independently, have access to expert care and meet them regularly, consider it a strategic investment to send them to such schools.
Furthermore, the initial investment in most cases results in habitual students who view their school campus as their second home. This gives them a sense of ownership, integrity and responsibility – these qualities are integrated into their character and make them trustworthy and admirable for any task.
We can hope that such prestigious institutions will eventually join forces and continue to uplift the local education sector. Bangladeshi parents can now align their vision by recognizing the needs of the future, and how such schools can be schools of life for their beloved offspring.
*Simon O’Grady is the founding headmaster of Haileybury Bhaluka