Toshiba released 3 new models of Laptop in BD

Best laptop brand of Bangladesh

A press conference titled as ‘Toshiba-AMD Meet the press’ held at an aristocrat restaurant yesterday. Smart Technologies BD Ltd released three new models of AMD processor based Toshiba Laptop in this press conference. General Manager of Smart Technologies (BD) Ltd Zafor Ahmed, Toshiba Brand Manager ASM Shawkat Millat, AMD Brand Manager Khaza Md. Anas Khan and AMD Bangladesh’s official Irfanul Haque were present in the press meet in front of journalists from print and electronic media. Zafor Ahmed said in his speech, “We always deal with the quality products on quality service for quality brands. I hope these three new models would fulfill the demand of mid and low range laptop users effectively.” Toshiba brand Manager said, “Toshiba is a premium brand. Once upon a time, Toshiba used to manufacture products only for aristocrat customers. But, presently they are also trying to give opportunity to the mass customers to use their products without sacrificing the quality. AMD Bangladesh official confirmed that the processors and graphics card used in two of three new models are hundred percent unique for Toshiba brand so far. These models of AMD processors have not been used so far in any other brands of laptop.

By this press conference, Smart Technologies also announced to initiate a corporate social responsibility program in Bangladesh. In this program, a portion of profit from Toshiba Laptop sold in Holy Ramadan would be used for the development of poor people.

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