US supports 42000 students in Cox’s Bazar

Since 2010, school enrollment and attendance have increased and students’ reading and writing proficiency has improved under the National School Feeding Programme.

This week, USDA experts, including Richard Higgins and Stephanie Gaffney, have come to Bangladesh to see the impact of USDA’s support with their partners. They will visit school feeding activities implemented by WFP in Cox’s Bazar, Ukhia, WFP’s warehouse in Chattogram and a biscuit production factory in Khulna.

Richard Higgins said, “By providing school meals, teacher training, and related education and nutrition support, the McGovern-Dole Project has helped boost school enrollment, increase attendance, and improve reading and literacy outcomes.”

“WFP has helped bring our vision to life and we look forward to building on our fruitful partnership,” Higgins said.

“School feeding is more than just filling the empty stomachs of hungry children. It also tackles child hunger and poor nutrition, promotes good eating habits among children, and improves livelihood opportunities for their communities. A good strategy,” said Dom Scalpelelli, country director of . WFP Bangladesh.

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