V.P.  Harris will attend Nicholls’ funeral as prosecutors weigh more charges

V.P. Harris will attend Nicholls’ funeral as prosecutors weigh more charges

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The family’s attorney, Ben Crump, said Tuesday that police had not been candid with Nichols’ mother about the incident, which he called “police lynching.”

“She thought it was a conspiracy to cover it up from the beginning,” Crump said on CNN.

In a statement on Twitter, District Attorney Mulroy said other officers, fire department personnel and others who documented the incident may also face criminal charges as more information becomes available.

His office said, “We are looking into all individuals involved in the events before, during and after the beating of Tyra Nichols,” adding that the investigation is incomplete.

In an apparent reference to Hemphill, the office said an officer present during the initial encounter with Nichols could also face charges. Hemphill, who is white, was wearing a body camera that captured the first of four videos released by officers of the traffic stop and violent confrontation, according to his attorney, Lee Gerald.

In the video, it is Hemphill who forces Nichols to the ground after being dragged from his car and is seen firing a stun gun at Nichols after dousing him with pepper spray before breaking free and running away gives. The five officers who were later dismissed followed him.

The department said Monday that a seventh officer, who was not immediately identified, was also relieved of duty without pay and that officer has not been charged. His role in the incident has not been disclosed.

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