Various anti-government parties, including the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), will take out simultaneous public marches in different parts of Dhaka today, Friday, demanding the government’s resignation.

Various anti-government parties and coalitions, including the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), will hold simultaneous public marches in different parts of Dhaka today, Friday, demanding the government’s resignation. The BNP will take out public processions in two parts of the city at 3 pm.

Others, including Gantantra Manch and the 12-party alliance, will take out public processions from various parts of the city, including Bijaynagar, Purana Paltan and National Press Club. The Bangladesh Jatiya Party (BJP) will also separately take out a public procession.

With regard to its ‘one point’ demand for the resignation of the government, the opposition will take out public processions in all the divisional cities of the country. Dhaka North and South City BNP will take out two processions.

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