Warm recieption for cricket team in Ganobhaban

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina accorded a warm reception to the members of Bangladesh National Cricket Team at Ganobhaban here tonight on their triumph over New Zealand in one-day series.
A delighted Prime Minister received the cricketers, coaches,
manager and officials of Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) at her official residence with bunch of flowers and greeted them with shower of appreciation, suit pieces and dinner for their historic victory.

The Prime Minister announced giving a housing plot in the capital and a car to every players of 20-member Bangladesh cricket team. A welfare trust fund will also be constituted to help the players provide financial support after their career or during their injury time, she declared.

The Prime Minister handed over separate cheques for Taka one lakh each presented by Exim Bank Ltd. and South East Bank Ltd. to each member of the cricket team.

She also handed over the key of a car given to acting captain of the wining team Sakib Al Hasan by Exim Bank Ltd.

Addressing the cricketers, the Prime Minister expressed her pleasure for taking the Bangladesh team into a new height in the world cricket through the crushing victory against the Kiwis.

“It’s a great success and our players could realize that hard
working and proper training can help them achieving any triumph in the arena of sports,” the Prime Minister said.

The success of the cricket teams is a manifestation of talent and hard work of our golden sons, she said adding, “It’s a glorious accomplishment for the country”.

She highlighted the present government’s steps for development and promotion of sports in the country and said competitiveness among sports clubs should be developed to create skilled players.

She urged the private sector to extend their overwhelming support for promotion of sports in the country.

State Minister for Youth and Sports Ahad Ali Sarker, BCB President AHM Mostafa Kamal, MP, captain of Bangladesh Cricket Team Mashrafi Bin Mortuza, acting captain Sakib Al Hasan, addressed, among others, on the occasion while sports secretary of Bangladesh Awami League Dewan Shafiul Arefin Tutul conducted the meeting.

Home Minister Advocate Sahara Khatun, Communication Minister Syed Abul Hossain, State Minister for Home Advocate Shamsul Haque Tuku, State Minister for Labour and Employment Munnujan Sufian, chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Youth and Sports Zahid Ahsan Russell and manager of Bangladesh Cricket Team Tanjib Hasan Saad, among others, were present.

DHAKA, Oct 19 (BSS)

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