Bolsonaro returns to Brazil, complicating life for Lula

“Pave the way for Bolsonaro’s return to the presidency,” YouTube star-turned-congressman Gustavo Geyer said in a video.

“Bolsonaro is the face of the right in Brazil,” supporter Cassia Cristina told AFP in Rio de Janeiro.

“His name revived the right wing and patriotism in this country,” said the 32-year-old seller.

The return home could re-energize the opposition, which had been weakened by Bolsonaro’s self-imposed exile and a wider response to the violence and destruction of the January 8 riots, when supporters stormed the presidential palace, Congress and the Supreme Court Was.

“We have had five months of a basically disintegrated opposition. Now the return of Bolsonaro in Brazil is poised to unite the right,” political analyst Jairo Nicolau of the Getulio Vargas Foundation told AFP.

“That could make a big difference. Lula would have to govern with a united opposition.”

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