BUET vice chancellor orders to shut down its website

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) website (www.buet.ac.bd) was inaccessible after 4:00 PM today. The website is maintained by an institute of BUET, Institute of Information and Communication Technology. Earlier its director Prof. Lutful Kabir made and appeal through the website that BUET vice chancellor and pro vice chancellor should step down for the interest of the university.

Angered by the appeal the BUET vice chancellor ordered to shut down the website.

The teachers, students and employees of this university are running agitation programs demanding the removal of the vice chancellor and pro vice chancellor. There are many allegations of irregularities against these two.
But the vice chancellor has been refusing to do so. He claimed that all the allegations are false. He said to media that a VC can do anything; he can sell a university also. When the teachers decided to resign in mass, the VC said he will hire teachers from outside.

BUET is considered as one of the finest universities in Bangladesh. Most talented students of Bangladesh sit in the BUET admission test after completing the higher secondary level. Many educationalists have expressed their concern on BUET crisis. There is no sign of resolving the deadlock so far.

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