Contaminated water is sold in the name of Mineral water

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From Dhaka to remote villages mineral water is sold as a source of pure drinking water in pet bottles, usually in 20 litres container. People from all walk of society drink from these so called mineral water bottles. In fact, no one knows about the contamination.

It has been known that most of these mineral waters are contaminated. Water of WASA & from tube-well has been found in these bottles. In a drive in several areas of Dhaka city, a mobile court found only 3 companies as satisfactory among 27 companies, water from other 24 companies has been found to be contaminated.

In this connection 24 persons have been sentenced to jail in different terms and Taka 6 lac. 90 thousand have been recovered.

By drinking these contaminated water people may suffer from diseases like diarrhoea

Jaundice and other water-borne diseases

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