DMP spends Tk 50 lakh in one-day hartal

Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) spends extra Tk 50 lakh to ensure public security and prevent possible anarchic situation on Thursday’s hartal called by main opposition BNP, Jamaat and other like-minded parties.

A DMP source said the amount will be spent on vehicle requisition and day long food supply for the duty professionals of law enforcing agencies specially deployed for the hartal.

The source said from the amount Tk 10 lakh will be spent on food and Tk 40 lakh on vehicle requisitions.

Mirpur thana OC Wazed Ali told banglanews, “Generally, each of the six cars used by the thana require 20 liters of oil daily; but in a one-day hartal additional 10 liters are required. This extra 60 liters of oil on average cost Tk 6,700. Moreover, extra Tk 5000 are to be spent on food also.”

The Mirpur thana OC informed that the thana also has to bear the first aid treatment cost of the injured on duty police officials.

DMP spokesman and DB’s deputy commissioner Manirul Islam said, “Regular police works are being hampered by hartal as the police are to be deployed on roads ensuring public security. Crime investigation and crime controlling activities almost come to a halt also during hartal.”

He also said, “During hartal police members are to be deployed at 5am in the morning to secure law and order situation, which means their breakfast and lunch both have to be supplied at their duty spot. Moreover, addition of extra vehicle requisition and extra petrol cost makes the total daily cost almost double during a one-day hartal.”

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