Fashion uncover to be hold for Acid Victims Assistance Fund

A conform uncover is set to be hold during a capital’s Hotel Radisson upon Feb 3, to lift income for a Acid Victims Assistance Fund underneath a Prothom Alo Trust. According to a ultimate press lecture hold during Hotel Ruposhi Bangla, eminent Indian conform engineer Agnimitra Paul’s creations will be put upon auction after a show. Agnimitra Paul was benefaction during a press meet, along with Asaduzzaman Noor MP, handling director, Desh TV; Arif Hasan emissary handling executive as good as Syed Nasim Manzur, handling director, Apex Footwear Limited.

The conform uncover patrician ‘Gallery Apex Life is Beautiful’, will be aired live upon Desh TV.

Stars to light up a ramp from a collateral embody Nobel, Tisha, Bindu, Meem, Momo whilst Rituparna Sengupta, Locket Chatterjee as good as Paoli Dam from Kolkata will additionally participate. Rupankar as good as Pintu Ghosh will underline song presentations during a event.

Speaking during a press meet, Agnimitra Paul pronounced a conform uncover has no blurb ends, though is being hold for a charitable cause. Asaduzzaman Noor said, Apex has assimilated a effort, whilst all a supports lifted during a event, will be submitted to a Prothom Alo Trust for a gratification of poison victims.

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