Food festival in Dhaka

Bangladeshi people are very much fond of enjoying foods. So, different food festivals are taken place in Bangladesh in different times. By this sequence, a three day food festival has taken place in Dhaka yesterday. Food habit is also a part of Bangladeshi culture as well as hospitality.
Nearly 50 renowned food shops and restaurants, including the Star, Haji’s Biriany, Café Corner, Nanna’s Morog Polaue, Shomsherer Bhuna Khichuri, Haji’r Makhon Tehari, Mustakim Chap, Bakarkhani, Beauty Lacchi and Baro Baper Polaue Khae, from Dhaka participated at the festival.
Law, justice and parliamentary affairs state minister Quamrul Islam inaugurated the fair while lawmaker Asma Zerin Ghumu and Dhaka University professor Muntasir Mamoon spoke at the opening ceremony.
The food festival was organised by Dhaka Kendra and Spellbound with the assistance of City Group on Kalabagan ground.
Newly formed Bangladesh Tourism Board under civil aviation and tourism ministry was the official partner of the event.

The speakers at the opening ceremony hoped that the Taste of Dhaka would help upholding the traditional foods of Dhaka among the young generations.
They also laid emphasis on organising such kind of fair regularly to preserve the heritage and culture of one of the oldest city Dhaka.
Apart from the food shops, a mini museum displaying photographs and antics of old Dhaka, was also setup on the fair ground.
Besides, welfare organisation Anjuman-e-Mofidul Islam also participated at the fair.

Source: UNB

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