Household Expenditure Survey 2022: Households spend 42% of income on food. bbs report

According to the BBS survey report, the average income of a Bangladeshi family is 32,422 taka per month, and 13 sectors spend 31,500 taka.

Discussing the survey, Mohiuddin, deputy director of BBS and director of the survey project, told Prothom Alo that the increase in people’s income aligns with the socio-economic development of the country, resulting in doubling of income within a period of six years. She goes.

Moreover, the nature of expenses has also evolved along with the changing economic conditions. As income levels increase, the percentage of expenditure on food decreases. Earlier, more than 50 per cent of the income was spent on food, but as per their claims, it has now come down to 42 per cent.

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