Kona-Mahtamim comes with new song “Kicu Mukh”

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Release the new duet song of Dilshad Nahar Kona-Mahtamim Shakib “Kicu Mukh”. The song written by Jony Haque and music composed by Naved Pervez. The new duet song will be used in the web series “Quasha”.
Popular singer Kona said, I likes Mahtamim’s singing. I also glad to know before recoding that this is the first duel oh Mahtamim. Viewers may like the new creation.
Mahtamim also reveals his feelings like as I am very happy to get an opportunity to sing with Kona apu. I think viewers receive it as good as it.
The web series Quasha made by the crime history based which produced by Mohammad Mostofa Kamal Reza from the platform of Innovate Solution. There are actor ABM Shumon, Nusrat Imroz Tisha and shohiduzzaman Selim etc. acted in this web series.

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