Massive eviction drive on the bank of river Buriganga, Attack on workers.

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About 70 structures have been evicted in a massive drive by BIWTA with the help of Police, RAB , fire service and other workers. During this drive they were attacked by the locals. 9 workers got hurt in that attack.

Shop owners complaint that they were not served any notice, they have started eviction all of a sudden. However, respective magistrate told that they were served 2 notices.

According to the direction of the High-court, this eviction drive started to free the banks of the river Buriganga.

A victim (shop owner) told that he paid Taka 1.5 lac. for the possession of the shop and paid a sum of Taka 5000 per month. Now he lost everything. The government should have a rehabilitation program before conducting such eviction.

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