Nirob and Amrita paired up for the third time on silver screen for a movie titled “Target.” The shooting of the film is scheduled to start next month. Written by Ayon Chowdhury, this is the second directorial project of Saif Chandan who debuted with the movie “Chheleti Abol Tabol Meyeti Pagol Pagol.”
Nirob, who commenced his film journey with “Mon Jekhaney Hridoy Shekhaney” in 2008, said: “I liked the story and if we work hard, we can make it a sucess. Frankly, I never got the opportunity to act in such a diverse role.”
Ramp model turned actor Amrita said: “I started my film journey with Nirob. We will try our best to make the film enjoyable for the audience through our hard work.”
The first movie of the duo “Game,” directed by Royel Anik, is expected to hit the theatres after Eid.
They also worked together in the remake of 1995 film “Antore Antore,” which is in its post-production phase.
source:dhaka tribune