President, Prime Minister call for campaign against smoking


President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today called upon all to come forward to wage a campaign against smoking and consumption of tobacco in other forms.

They made the call in separate messages issued on the occasion of ‘World No Tobacco Day’ 2014.

The president and the prime minister wished success of all programmes marking the World No Tobacco Day on May 31.

The theme of the day this year is “Raise taxes on tobacco” to discourage consumption.”

In his message, President Abdul Hamid said consumption of tobacco is harmful to health. According to experts, smoking is a prime cause of cancer and other deadly diseases, he added.

He pointed out that the number of smokers is increasing gradually across the world despite anti-tobacco campaigns.

Therefore, it is necessary to create massive awareness and launch a social movement against smoking, the president said.

In her message, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said silent killers like tobacco and tobacco products have gradually pushed individuals, families and societies to ruination.

She said cancer, heart disease and other killer diseases were increasing day by day because of consumption of tobacco.

The prime minister urged the people of the country to come forward to discard the habit of smoking and extend cooperation to her government as the government has already enacted the Smoking and Tobacco Use (Control) (Amendment) Act-2013 which among things, totally bans sales to children.

The present government has taken a number of programmes to create mass awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco and tobacco products on human health, Sheikh Hasina said.

Source: BSS

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