In the last few weeks the prices of some of the companies listed in DSE has increased unusually. DSE demanded the reason behind this unto the respective companies. In response most companies informed that they did not have any price sensitive information about this unusual price increment. On Thursday the prices of most of these…
Share prices of Dhaka Stock Exchange falls again after five days of upward trend. At the beginning of trading share prices stood in an upward trend but as the day advances the prices falls, recovers again and falls again and goes to a downward trend until the closure of the market. At closure of the…
Share prices in DSE had a bumpy ride today as you can see in the graph. DSE general index stood at 6562.91926 pt which is 48.82220 pt or 0.7494853% higher than that of the previous day Among 263 issues 171 issues advanced and 88 issues declined while 4 issues remained unchanged Total trade value in…