Indian actress Poonam Pandey and her husband Sam Bombay are out on bail bond of Rs. 20,000 each. This couple was arrested when a video of them was released where…
Controversial exiled Bangladeshi writer Taslima is news item again. This time she is headline for her comment on Poonam Pandey and Sherlyn Chopra. These two celebrities became celebrity for their…
Poonam Pandey, the 20 years old model promised that she will strip off if India wins in world cup cricket. India won, but she was not seen nude. She is…
Model Poonam Pandey who promised to strip down after India wins the world cup unfortunately could not stand up to her promise. But she gave a glimpse of her nudity…
Model Poonam Pandey has declared that she would be nude in front of Indian Cricketer if India become champion. Now India is the world cup champion. They beat Sri Lanka…