Popular actress Sumaiya Shimu says, she will act on less television drama than before for the upcoming Eid. She says, quantity is not important to her, she works for quality.
She always tries to fulfill audience expectation. She says, she always feels pressure acting in new type of character. But she tries to represent her in different way for different character. She is in the showbiz arena for more than a decade, but she is not happy with her performance.
Many of her serials are being telecasted on different television channels now. Among these Radio Chocolate is most popular. This is a comedy type serial. The story is on some funny experience of the performers of a radio station.
Shimu completed her MSS on government and politics from Jahangirnagar University and after that she admitted for M.Phil. on Drama. But she started PhD on ‘socio cultural perspective of woman acting in Bangladeshi media’ when she was promoted to second part of M.Phil. with first class.