15 injured in BNP-police clash in Khulna

At least 15 activists of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its sister organizations were injured in clashes with the police in Khulna.

The clash took place in front of the Khulna Press Club at around 3.45 pm on Friday.

Police detained 10 BNP people from the spot.

Mohammad Tajul Islam, deputy commissioner (south) of Khulna Metropolitan Police, confirmed the incident to Prothom Alo. The police have not disclosed the names of the injured.

BNP leaders alleged that the police opened fire during the clash. He alleged that several BNP men, including Dighlia Senati Sangh Parishad member Mujibur Rahman, Khalishpur unit leader Ripon and Jubo Dal leader Zahidur Rahman, were shot.

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