AL's counter programme: Creating 'mental hurdles' for BNP, reveals Quader

AL's counter programme: Creating 'mental hurdles' for BNP, reveals Quader

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For a long time, Obaidul Quader said that they were organizing “peace and development rallies”, not a counter-event of the BNP.

However, he admitted today that he organized his rallies as a counter-program to the BNP.

“If BNP organizes any rally unilaterally, they commit 'arson-terrorism'. “As a ruling party, it is our responsibility to protect the lives and properties of the people,” Obaidul Quader said at the conference.

Responding to questions, the Awami League general secretary said, “How many rallies did BNP and we organize on the same date? Are we, as a political party, going to get involved in any conflict? Did we, as the ruling party, launch any attack on his rallies? So what is the problem again?”

He later clarified, “We have held our rallies and they have held their rallies. This was the scenario before the elections.

A journalist asked if there was any fear that the BNP might take over the streets. In response, he said that the elections are now over and those who boycotted the voting and dreamed of stopping the voting, their dreams have been destroyed.

He also reminded that the opposition faction had also dreamed that the Awami League would not be able to form the government and if it was successful in doing so, the government would fall within five days.

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