Harassment on way to educational institutions

Stalking and eve-teasing have become a problem in Bangladesh. Recently several incidents took place causing an alarming situation that drew the attention of most of the people.

Many tender schoolgirls committed suicide and these social crimes are going on unabatedly in spite of the government’s repeated declarations that this sort of act will not be tolerated.

Even some adolescent girls have been so tormented and humiliated by harassment and stalking that they have committed suicide, but many complain that the law enforcers are lenient to the culprits.

Many teachers and guardians have been killed or tortured by eve-teasers and stalkers for protesting in various parts of the country, according to media reports.

Most of the news papers published editorials in this regard.

According to police sources, more than 70 per cent of the eve-teasing and stalking took place in the metropolitan areas, and most of the culprits were released after promising that they would never harass women again.

No effective measures are taken by the police or other law enforcers against eve-teasers in almost all the cases though there are legal provisions against them, said concerned lawyers.

Legal provision for such a crime is also limited according to DMP Ordinance, such as punishment with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to two thousand takas, or with both.’

Other laws regarding women and child repression has strict provisions which may be applied for this situation, said by many.

Earlier dhakanews.info published the news of an ill-fated teacher. click for details

Another most discussed incident occurred in Modhu khali of faridpur a mother named chapa Rani Voumic was killed by stalkers.

It is addressed as a social problem by many and all concerned should come forward to stop such situation.

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