Jilted, she takes it out upon his daughter

A three-year-old lady in a city was stabbed with a blade yesterday by her father’s purported girlfriend, jilted by a male as well as hell-bent upon revenge.

The woman, a helper of a in isolation hospital during a capital’s Dhanmondi, incited up during a chateau of her beloved upon Crescent Road of Kalabagan yesterday around 10:00am as well as stabbed a child in a neck as well as throat.

Kalabagan military with a assistance of locals arrested a nurse, Bilkis Khatun Nadia, as well as recovered a blade from her possession.

The girl, Labonya Akhter, was taken by neighbours to Dhaka Medical College Hospital where doctors gave her twenty-two stitches. Doctors pronounced she was right away out of danger.

Labonya’s father Abdul Matin is a partner senior manager of a curative association during Dhanmondi.

Bilkis, a diploma in nursing from Rangpur, confessed to a stabbing.

Talking to  during Kalabagan Police Station, she pronounced she had entered a Crescent Road residence with a devise to kill Matin’s mom as well as their dual teenager children.

She hatched a swindling moments after around 11:00pm of Sunday when Matin backtracked from his preference to wed her.

She identified herself as a co-worker of Matin to pass a confidence of a six-storey building. Matin as well as his family live upon a second floor.

Labonya’s mom Rita Shabnam told this correspondent, she was out during a time of a situation as well as her mobile phone was inactive.

Laila, a done during home assistance of a house, non-stop a doorway after Bilkis pulpy a job bell, Shabnam quoted Laila as saying.

Entering a residence she asked Laila, who was cuddling Matin’s younger son 10-year-old Aronya, to fetch a potion of water. Labonya was in a sketch room.

When Laila went to move water, Bilkis took Labonya to a room as well as strike her with a knife.

Hearing Labonya’s scream, her uncle Azad Patwari, who was in washroom, came out as well as hold reason of Bilkis.

The done during home assistance went to a neighbours as well as called for help. They rushed to a prosaic immediately.


Bilkis pronounced it was dual years ago when she went to recharge her mobile phone as well as Abdul Matin, seated there, picked up her number.

At night, a male rang up identifying himself as a Dhaka University tyro as well as done a adore offer. She responded after 6 months.

In Apr this year, they together went upon a three-day revisit to Cox’s Bazar. They additionally outlayed nights during a Crescent highway prosaic dual times.

Matin, however, hid a actuality which he is scored equally together as well as has dual children. He told her which he lived in a residence with his mother.

A couple of days back, Bilkis found cinema of his dual young kids saved in Matin’s mobile phone set. Asked by her, he certified which he is scored equally together as well as has dual children.

However, Bilkis concluded to accept Matin’s marital reason up as well as during a single stage, he betrothed to wed her.

Enamul Haque Enam, officer-in-charge of Kalabagan Police Station, told this correspondent, they were probing in to a incident.

Approached for comments during DMCH, Labonya’s father declined to contend anything.

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