NDA leaders unanimously elect Narendra Modi as alliance leader | Latest news

He appreciated the efforts made by the Prime Minister in nation building and highlighted that he has a clear vision for a 'Developed India' and he is a partner in this goal.

The letter of NDA leaders said, “In the last 10 years, 140 crore citizens of India have seen the country developing in every sector due to the welfare policies of the NDA government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. After a very long gap of almost six decades, the people of India have elected a powerful leader with absolute majority for the third consecutive time.”

It further said, “We are all proud that the NDA fought and won the 2024 Lok Sabha elections unitedly under the leadership of Narendra Modi. We, the leaders of the NDA, unanimously choose Narendra Modi as our leader.”

The leaders stressed that the NDA government under the leadership of Modi is committed to serving the poor, women, youth, farmers and the exploited, deprived and oppressed citizens of India.

The NDA leaders lauded the Prime Minister's efforts towards poverty alleviation and resolved to continue the good work.

It said, “The NDA government will continue to work for improving the quality of life of every person in India by protecting India's heritage and for the all-round development of the country.”

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