Paoli Dam is set to arrive in Dhaka

B_Id_345727_Paoli_DamIndian actress Paoli Dam is going to pair up with Dhallywood superstar Shakib Khan in a Bangladeshi film titled “Sotta.” The actress is expected to arrive in the capital on November 15 and will start shooting on the following day.

The film has been directed by Hasibur Reza Kallol, is an adaptation of Sohani Hossain’s novel “Maa.”

“Sotta” has a romantic story line, where a bohemian, to be played by Shakib Khan, encounters a prostitute, to be enacted by Paoli Dam. Besides the romance of the two outcasts, the film will also focus on struggles of underprivileged people.

Paoli Dam received acclamation for her acting in Bangladesh-India joint venture films “Padma Nadir Majhi” and “Moner Manush,” and popular Bollywood film “Hate Story.”

Ahmed Rubel, Bonna Mirza, Kabila and Nasreen will also work in “Sotta.”

source:dhaka tribune

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