Prime minister urges Bangla lovers to raise voice to UN

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Bengali is the seventh language in terms of population. But still Bangla is not an official UN language. In fact political power decided which languages will be the official UN language.

UN official language means that UN will use those languages. Every papers of any matter including UN resolution are translated in every UN official languages. This is a huge task indeed and of course an expensive process. Many skilled translators are needed for this process. This is done with UN fund.

Many experts fear that even if Bangla is accepted as an UN official language, UN may ask Bangladesh to fund for that process. Being a poverty stricken nation it will be a burden for the Bangladeshis.

But it is an emotional issue for the nation. A signature collection campaign demanding Bangla as an UN official language is started. The campaigners are hoping to collect five crore signatures. They have already collected one crore signatures.
Prime minister Sheikh Hasina herself also urged nonresident Bangladeshis to mobilize global opinion.

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Shihab Uddin Ahmed

Shihab Uddin Ahmed is with Dhaka News since 2011. He has long experience of writing on various issues for web medium. He has a master’s degree from Jagannath University. You can read his science articles in English and Bengali on

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