Highlighting different viewpoints and positions, Teachers Network said, “Today the country is in a deep crisis. We hoped that taking lessons from experiences, efforts would be made to conduct free, competitive and neutral elections based on everyone’s opinion. But, we are disappointed. “The elections to be held on January 7 will give nothing to the people except renewal of the absolute power of the present ruling party.”
The letter said that although the presence of a strong opposition party is a condition of the parliamentary system, this time it seems that it will be difficult to form a ‘puppet’ opposition like last time because many political parties, including the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). ) Boycott this election due to lack of equal opportunity. The political parties participating in the 12th parliamentary election with the ruling party or with the support of the ruling party exist in name only. Obviously, the Election Commission issued registration to these organizations in a planned manner keeping in mind the 12th Parliamentary elections.